Skyzyks Place
We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. (Winston Churchill)

does not recognize install

Sep 7, 2012 3:54 PM by Discussion: Stardock Central Support

Every time I open in the morning, Stardock Central tells me about the new version of Fences 2.0 Beta update, which is already installed. But because it is now included in Desktop, it will not recognize it. It knows that I have 1.8 Beta and tries to update it constantly. How can I stop this or maybe it's time for an update to Stardock Central?

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Feb 11, 2012 4:12 PM by Discussion: Everything Else

I wanted to say thank you for all the new changes in WindowsFx 5 Beta. Everything works just as it should. I have no problems. Intel i7-860, @2.8GHz, AMD 5750.

The "Suck" and "Distort" options on open and close are awesome! Bravo Stardock. You have done it again. You've been telling us about the new Fx for a while and you have lived up to expectations. [e digicons]:thumbsup:[/e]  

skyzyk, aka Gary

5 Replies Reply 14 Referrals

Are you using it yet?

Oct 5, 2010 12:33 AM by Discussion: Personal Computing

I was wondering if anyone is using Internet Explorer 9 Beta and if yes, how does it interact with Impulse and other Stardock programs and apps? I remember reading that there would be updates with respect to IE9 and I imagine that was it, the last update. 

Ans a question please. If I install IE9, x64, can I stil keep IE8 x86? 

Thank you for your time. Gary

28 Replies Reply 18 Referrals

cannot upload

May 23, 2010 4:39 PM by Discussion: Skinning

The other day I submitted a Dream "Sunrise At Blue Lagoon" and it wouldn't accept my SWF file.

Could you please include guidelines for submitting .swf preview? I tried several times each time making it smaller until it was 256x126. Still would not save, reverting to the same screen, each time I pushed Submit. I could see the progress bar and all. Can someone explain the proper way or size please?

skyzyk aka Gary


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May 21, 2010 2:33 PM by Discussion: Animated Wallpapers



1 Reply Reply 2 Referrals

Hello. after 2 months of struggling with my laptop I went out and got a new desktop computer. An HP Pavillion Elite, x64, with the new Intel i7-860 processor, 2.88ghZ, 4/8GB,1To, 1920x1200. Yes I am bragging. :)  It came with Windows 7 Home premium. After I reinstalled Impulse and then reinstalled the "available" programs I have 2 problems. The first being Bootskin Pro, "not compatible" and the second problem is that sound packager will not run. I can see in task manager that it starts and closes by itself, never seeing even a flash screen. Impulse says it is properly installed. But yet it will not run. There are also some My Colors themes, like "Music" and also Aquarium Desktop 2009 are not comaptble.

My laptop was x86, (x32) and a x64 system is totally new to me. I am somewhat new to all of this. I get that Virtual desktop won't work in 7, no biggie, but can someone please enlighten me as to the 2 other problems I have presently or even with x64 in general with respect to the above. 


12 Replies Reply 11 Referrals

Hello. after 2 months of struggling with my laptop I went out and got a new desktop computer. An HP Pavillion Elite, x64, with the new Intel i7-860 processor, 2.88ghZ, 4/8GB,1To, 1920x1200. Yes I am bragging. :)  It came with Windows 7 Home premium. After I reinstalled Impulse and then reinstalled the "available" programs I have 2 problems. The first being Bootskin Pro, "not compatible" and the second problem is that sound packager will not run. I can see in task manager that it starts and closes by itself, never seeing even a flash screen. Impulse says it is properly installed. But yet it will not run. There are also some My Colors themes, like "Music" and also Aquarium Desktop 2009 are not comaptble.

My laptop was x86, (x32) and a x64 system is totally new to me. I am somewhat new to all of this. I get that Virtual desktop won't work in 7, no biggie, but can someone please enlighten me as to the 2 other problems I have presently or even with x64 in general with respect to the above. 


12 Replies Reply 11 Referrals

Nov 14, 2009 8:25 PM by Discussion: DeskScapes

Hi, Deskscapes no longer shows at all in MY Impulse. I am unable to do the last update because of it. I have tried resetting the data that didn't work. Then I tried detect application and it says it has located Deskscapes 3 and will appear next startup. It didn't and neither did 3 repeats.

Can someone help please?

4 Replies Reply 6 Referrals

Nov 14, 2009 8:25 PM by Discussion: DeskScapes

Hi, Deskscapes no longer shows at all in MY Impulse. I am unable to do the last update because of it. I have tried resetting the data that didn't work. Then I tried detect application and it says it has located Deskscapes 3 and will appear next startup. It didn't and neither did 3 repeats.

Can someone help please?

4 Replies Reply 6 Referrals

What if I feel strongly about a wllpaper

Oct 7, 2009 12:34 AM by Discussion: Community

I wanted to know if there are provisions to ask for second revision of wallpapers submitted that we/I feel it wasa severely underated. I've already been threatened with exile because I submiited the same work three times by mistake. I know the standard line of "Well you can always go expose your work elsewhere." But tha's part of my post. I don't think those are ways to respond and I thought surely there must be a way to do this properly. Is there? 

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